Monday, June 23, 2008

Norrathian Ladies' Club - Kwoung - 3 Walks of Dead - Mistmoore by Zindicatt

So our Norrath, guys have a gentlemen's club or two to go to but ladies have had nothing.  Guys have dance tables and bars and pool tables and chess boards and ... ladies have had nothing!  That's like so unfair!  So I thought I made a club just for the ladies (gentlemen allowed under certain circumstances), with all the stuff that ladies love, like high society-ish atmosphere, close-knit community, plenty of pampering, and wicked fun, all that good stuff. 

It is buried deep in the City of Hate (3 Walks of Dead, Mistmoore Server, under the name of "Kwoung" ), but I assure you that it's worth the trip.  Without further adieu, here's a photo tour.

The Entrance

The Lounge


Pictures of the more prominent members are hung on the walls of the lounge...


The Bar





The Spa


The Massage Parlor


The Dressing Area


A Corner for Fine Arts



Entrance to the Love Chamber


Every week, a "Queen" is elected and she gets to sit in the throne ...



A Ball Room in the Atrium



Come on to the dance floor!

And this concludes the tour for today!  I hope you like it enough to join.  Membership is ... free with certain conditions SMILEY<img src= SMILEY;)

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