Monday, June 23, 2008

Lady Sapphirius Zand's 5-Room manor house at 5 Erollisi Lane, South Qeynos - AB by Sapphirius

Sapphirius is an old Karanite druid and widow of the Halasian bruiser Barack Zand. While she owns her own house, she doesn't really live in it. Rather, she sleeps whereever she travels and occasionally visits her house to stowe things away. This would be the 7th time Sapph has moved since the game began. She, like most Karanites, is nomadic and something of a hermit, never really staying for long in any one place and always preferring to live alone.

Entering her home reveals nothing out of the ordinary except for a large two-tiered waterfall to the right of the door. An altar to Karana, the god of storms, sits by the base of her stairs. Upstairs from this is her library, in which about a third of her books are currently shelved. (The rest are in her house vault because there was no room for more shelves, and there are no duplicate copies.) Her library stretches across two walls with a desk for study.

Moving out of the livingroom takes you into the kitchen, which is equipped with running water and even has a cutting block for when she cooks. The cutting block was made by turning a generic wall sconce upside down and to the side and then placing the trophy called "The Tickler" into it. The dining room is on the otherside of her curved bar and is still placed for two: herself and her deceased husband. Some things, she just never could let go of.

Moving downstairs leads you to the cellar. This room is here she stores her food and various other things she needs for her travels. It comes complete with a washroom for her laundry. In this room is a paneled wall that leads to a secret apartment in her house. This apartment she calls her safe house, another concept from her husband as he frequently sheltered those who were being hunted. The safe house comes with its own bathroom and that includes a toilet. The bedroom meets the basic needs of whoever is staying there. It's nothing fancy, but then, it doesn't need to be.

Moving upstairs, you'll find her bedroom. I went with the red luxurious theme here. It's also decidedly feminine to reveal that she is slowly reclaiming her life and, at least, trying to move on. Further down the landing is the screen wall that divides her bathroom from the rest of the house. Again, this is a fully functioning bath with running heated water and a toilet.

Going into the attic brings you to her herb garden. Sapph, who is also an alchemist, keeps all her healing herbs here and hasn't just given the garden functionality but beauty as well. A reading nook sits by the window that's a bit more comfortable than her library desk. Her chemistry table sits at the opposite end ready for her to work.

Her kitchen has seen the recent addition of Tumpy's Tonic Max to replace the jars she had earlier, and her cellar has seen the recent addition of Brell's Everlasting Brew and Snoogle's Party Keg.Sapphirius's house met with a dimensional pocket expander... which saw the return of the 2nd row of wallpaper border in her bathroom, a piano in her livingroom and some rearrangement of the sitting area & altar, some stuff in her kitchen cabinets... finally. It also saw a few homey touches in her hidden apartment (a.k.a. her safehouse for hiding people, since she is in a guild of pirates). Guests in her safehouse now have a place to eat and a library to read from as well as a carpet to keep their feet warm at night.

Her library saw the introduction of more wall shelves for more books, but since I'm running out of wall space to place them all (and still have more books in my house vault), I may cave in and replace it all with redwood shelves. Her library desk also got a few new knickknacks. Her alchemy workshop is now a bit more functional for her herbology research, and those lovely fires of tranquility now grace what used to be her reading nook. She's also now making full use of her little storeroom to store things, of course.

Sapphirius's bathroom got a little change thanks to an idea from Manifest's bathroom. She now has a larger more modern looking toilet, and the sink was also redone with stacking adamantine tables. I'm afraid that raising the wainscoting for that little trap door made my previous sink a little too short for the design. Her bedroom is a bit more red with a Sathirian rug.

Sapphirius's library has always been something of a problem for me. Before she moved into her South Qeynos Manor, she had 5 28-slot boxes in her house vault full of books and some scrolls, and her collection is still nowhere near complete. Trying to cram 130 books and scrolls plus about 20 or so assorted knickknacks onto the maple and briarwood shelves she favored so much just wasn't going to work. First she ran out of shelf and furniture space. Then, when I added more furniture slots, she ran out of wall space for the shelves. I finally caved in and redid her library with redwood shelves. They worked well for all her books except the tall stacks. Why did I not place all her tall stacks on the top? Well, believe it or not, I alphabetized Sapph's collection to make it easier to add books I don't already have. There is not a single repeat book in Sapph's library.

The plus side to this is that I now have all her books on display with her knickknacks and still have plenty of room to grow. The other plus is that her upstairs hall looks significantly less cluttered than before.

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