Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Casee - 3 Walk of the Dead - Neriak - Oasis by Gracey

Hello. I am Casee and I live at 3 Walk of the Dead in Neriak on the Oasis Server. I'll be your tour guide (as well as owner of the inn).

Upon entry into the residence you will see my collection of skulls... err a nice place to sit and visit. Forgive the big bare spot on your right as it is waiting to have a piano moved here.

The room to the right has an aquarium and is my hubby's "smoking" room (where he kicks back)

To you left from the entry you will find my kitchen (inspired by all the wonderful decorators in these forums)

several views of the kitchen and OH by the way THANK YOU Sumray (aka Schade) for all your help with those stools and my DISTILLERY!

Close up of the counter tops

One more peek.. ( I call this room... "Fun with Mirrors)

Business area (bah personally I hate business... but my husband thinks it necessary /sigh)

Off to the downstairs herb garden and water reclamation area. With the help of some special lighting I am able to actually grow our own food in our basement.

The water reclamation area (also doubles as a waterfall or 2..)


Hey... who has the marshmallows?

and our picnic area

Upstairs now to his room - this room was done with lots of space for him to stash future quest rewards.

and now to my favorite room in the WHOLE HOUSE! My POWDER ROOM!! We share a "privy" complete with reading material. Thanks again Sumray for the incense - it has such a nice smell SMILEY<img src=" width="15" height="15">

View from outside the "powder room" My bedroom and powder room was created with the pastel theme. Pinks - purples and blues are fun to look for! came with the Waterfall shower head - very cool feature!

OH my... caught primping! (I got my big foot "stuck" in the vase taking these pictures but with my friend Sumray's help - was able to get out again). It was def something to see - 2 of us tearing this room apart trying to get me out!

dressing mirror

and into the bedroom

Casee keeps a rose for each death she has had and stashes them here

Overview of the whole room - OK who left their coffee cup on the table? hmmmm? /looks around threatingly

Thank you for visiting and everyone is welcome to come see in person - anytime!

To see full size pictures or leave comments for Gracey visit here

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