Thursday, July 10, 2008

Gnadia's Stronghold

The Deverry's have taken on their first decorating job, outside of the immediate family. Due to her distate for Freeport and it's citizens, Donilla agreed to to let me, her cousin Devigia, decorate Gnadia's home at #1 Integrity Road in West Freeport (Atonia Bayle).

This humble slave would like to present her paltry efforts on behalf of her master Gnadia. Forget that, we TierDal are slaves to no one, regardless of how my cousin presumed to make bargains with me as collateral. She will 'learn' her efforts are not appreciated. Be that as it may, I am non the less happy with my efforts to bring some order to the home of this gnome. While not complete, efforts are sufficiently well along to allow me to share. What Gnadia thinks is irrelevent.

You enter into the main living area. This is meant to be a more or less public space and will have various seating areas placed within. For now, only the main area by the fireplace is completed. The muscians balcony is visible above the fireplace and will used for future festivities.

To your left is where the Gnome conducts business. Since I've haven't seen her in some time, I have to assume she is out enjoying herself and does not have time to produce merchandise. The dust on the crafting stations would seem to support this notion.

Proceeding on to the game room, there are two card tables set up for a little gaming, two shelves filled with curiosities, books, and stacks of scrolls, and a small reading area

Gnadia's favorite color would seem to blue, and she has collected quite a few cnadles and sconces in the hue. Henceforth, the dining room will be refered to as the "Blue Room'. Grab yourself a pint and a turkey leg as we head back to the main room.

Next we will head up stairs, passing the wall displaying evidence of Gnadia's success as a coercer of Freeport. I have to admit I liked Donilla's weapon display, and thus copied it here.

This brings us to the bedchamber. A bit grand for a gnome, but she wanted to sleep in the open (this is Freeport after all) but I felt that complete exposure to the guests below would asking too much of the guests and so enclosed the room with screens, shogi and paneling.

From the bedroom, you can see towards the stairs, and towards the dressing room, my favorite room in the home (the game room is a close second).

Here is Gnadia's private dressing and sitting room. Picture luxurious pillows strewn about, and a hookah in their midst. Rugs will be layered on the floor and on top of the dressing table. Mirrors, ornaments and other objects are packed in the basement, awaiting their placement. But for now, boots are cleaned and ready, drawers are filled with personal items and robes are carefully stored in cedar boxes.

The views from the stairs give you a better idea of the overall space.

As soon as Gnadia pays the rent, I'll be continuing my work on the garden, living room, dressing room and musican's gallery.

Like with the Deverry homes, pictures are available at:

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