Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Deliawyn Lhordeverry's Lion Mane Suite

Deliawyn has recently moved from her quarters in Castleview to a more spacious home in South Qeynos. The more spacious layout has given her a chance to make herself comfortable, and to display the items she has collected on her journeys within Norrath. And true to form, she has already updated the place, as all elves strive for perfection!

As you can see when you enter, the main room was divided into two parts, providing the sleeping chambers on the right, and a nice comfy living room on the left.

Come sit in one of the nice plushy chairs and enjoy a mug of hot chocolate or warm cider. Everything has been pushed apart a bit to make it even more comfy. And the Maj Dul tables are beautiful, are they not?

A closeup of the dividing wall shows shelves filled with books, collectibles, accumulated weapons, and a decorative mirrored doorway leading to the sleeping quarters. The recently added pillars make for a regal touch and help finish off the raw edges of the wall.

Deliawyn's sleep chamber is a simple affair, and speaks to her love of quiet elegance. Cousin Dribissa is currently living here as well, and is ensconced in the guest chamber.Though her time here will hopefully be limited, Dribi has begun to make the room her own. Her musical instruments are tucked just out of sight.

As a devout follower of Tunare, Delia offers a quick prayer to her Lady each day before heading out into Norrath. But to thrust ones God in the face of a guest who may worship another, is not at all polite, and so the altar is art as much as it a sacred place.

The little stone room next to the front door is the perfect place to store Deliawyn's collection of fine Norrathian vintages. After a meal, come sit. You can read one of the books on Oenology, enjoy a fine cigar, or if wine is not to your taste, partake of a selection of Antonican ales.

As Deliawyn is the resident Deverry chef, she's being very exacting about the design of her kitchen, dining room, and herb garden. The carpenters have left and the final design is in place.

With so much natural light, it would be a shame to block it off with kitchen cabinets, so Delia asked for an open shelving design. The heavy strong chains (magically enhanced) hold up shelves which will hold all Delia's kitchen needs while also providing room for yet more freshly grown herbs and ingredients.

The counter is divided in two, providing a lovely little eat in bar.

As any good cook knows, fresh herbs are far preferable to those magically preserved, so a herb garden was a must.

The corner has been turned into a compact little buffet.

The dining table is ready to seat all of Deliawyn's cousins and guests.

Every chef must have a place to work on new recipes. Those blue ribbons at the Unity Festival don't come without effort! A compact little office was built right into the kitchen, complete with everything needed to update Delia's recipes, pay a few bills, correspond with favorite merchants.

All the Deverry homes are available for viewing at:

or with Photobucket at:

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